LTSD Series

TREALITY LTSD Series Front Projection Dome is suitable for a range of applications, from fast jets to large-body rotary wing simulation displays. The horizontal field of view of up to 360° and customizable vertical field of view can be adapted for large viewing areas.

Based on a multi-projector system, the TREALITY LTSD creates a fully seamless and realistic image. TREALITY SVS extended experience in motion base compatibility and structural rigidity analysis warrant a risk free implementation on motion bases. TREALITY SVS has deployed Large Training Simulaiton Domes, tailored to specific requirements, in various sizes on motion platforms.


  • Large field of views suitable for the largest aircraft
  • Up to 2 arcmin/OLP 
  • FEA analysis for 6 DOF motion platforms
  • Gain screens for perfect brightness/contrast ratio 
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