LTSD Series

The TREALITY LTSD Series Front Projection Dome are used for fast jet applications to large body rotary wing simulation displays. The large horizontal field of view up to 360° and vertical field of view can be tailored for large viewing areas. 

Based on a multi-projector system, the TREALITY LTSD creates a completely seamless and realistic image. TREALITY SVS extensive experience in motion base compatibility and structural rigidity analysis warrant a risk free implementation on motion bases. TREALITY SVS has fielded spherical domes in a variety of sizes successfully on motion.

TREALITY SVS tailors these LTSD domes specifically to the application.

  • Combines both large horizontal and vertical field of views
  • Up to 2 arcmin/OLP 
  • FEA analysis for 6 DOF motion platforms
  • Screen gain for perfect brightness/contrast ratio 
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